Friday, October 24, 2014

Dia de Los Muertos is a beautiful thing!

 Coming up!  Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead is a beautiful thing!  Join us at SmittenDust, the weekend of November 1& 2 with Shirley K. Bentsen and Jane Reiter.  (I can already hear the laughter!) 

I love the beauty and honor of this event.  I wish we had something like Day of the Dead every year (and I’m not talking about Halloween).  Check out these events.  Come for the fiesta on Sunday, be a part of our creative community!

Please check out the tab "Day of the Dead" for more details and registration info.

Tammy's Delish Hot Cider

OMG!  If you couldn't make it to the Jen and Kari show last week, not only did you miss great fun and cool techniques and art, but you sadly missed the #MostAmazingCiderOnEarth!!

I wish I had a "Scratch and Sniff" app, because I would post the link for you!  Instead, Tammy has so generously shared this fab family recipe with us.

Tammy’s Delish Hot Cider
2qts apple juice
1 qt cran-raspberry juice
2cups orange juice
1cup sugar
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp whole cloves

Thank you Tammy and Cory.

Rest of the blogosphere, you're welcome!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

True Confessions

Blogging is not an intuitive sport for me.  I like words, I like to make stuff. I like to take pictures.  What’s the problemo?

(See?  Something I made AND photographed! LOL!)

So please forgive me as I have waded through these bloggy waters, confusing not only you, but myself.  I’ve finally realized the KISS method works here: Keep it simple, silly.

The HOME page will now include quick hits of interest to our creative community.
The UPCOMING CLASSES tab at the top will be about … duh…
Also along the tab line or PAGES (as it’s known in Blogspot lingo), will be special events coming up.

After Kari and Jen are here, (this weekend -YAY!!! ) the NEXT BIG THING is the Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead weekend of November 1& 2 with Shirley K. Bentsen and Jane Reiter.  (I can already hear the laughter!) Please check out the tab "Day of the Dead" above.

Seriously though, I love the beauty and honor of this event.  Personally, I’ve worked in end-of-life care for nearly 15 years.  I wish we had something like Day of the Dead every year (and I’m not talking about Halloween).  Check out these events.  Come for the fiesta on Sunday, be a part of our creative community!

For info, please contact Dusty at 

PS Thanks for putting up with my blog learning curve!